Are you a caregiver of a loved one with dementia, struggling to provide care all by yourself?

It's Time to Build a Team!

Join us on Sat Sept 21st

1pm EST

for a FREE Training on

What, Why & How to Build a Team for Family Caregivers

If you're a caregiver of a loved one with dementia,
you're likely grappling with...

(1) Navigating unpredictable changes in your day to day routine & Schedules.

(2) Juggling the demands of caregiving with your own well-being

(3) Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of dementia care.

We understand the challenges of being a caregiver for a loved one with dementia,

especially if you are doing this all alone.

It's Time to Discover HOW to Build a Team that Support You as a Caregiver

Dr. Thomas' #1 BEst Selling Book: Dementia Care Confidence

Attend the Webinar Live to Receive a Free Ebook/Kindle Copy

(regular Price $7.99)

  • Uncover your unique caregiving strengths to tackle challenges with confidence

  • Gain a clear understanding of your loved one's needs and how dementia impacts them

  • Build a strong support network by identifying and securing the right type help you need

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